JOHN Saunders’ plea for a sensible debate on Europe has been accepted by most of your correspondents.

Some merely repeat reactionary remarks.

Ian Cummings harks back to the pre-Thatcher Common Market days, and citing BMW doesn’t help.

Broadly I agree with John’s views and those of the Scottish Socialists, but that’s less relevant here.

Most who want to leave Europe have xenophobic, if not racist views, and probably still believe that ‘Britannia rules the waves’. Capitalism and the anti-democratic European ‘superstate’ is destroying everyone’s environment and the welfare state we built when we were supposedly bankrupt.

The democratic deficit including (mis)use of referenda and the tone/level of ‘debate’ in the media restrict our ability to resist ‘austerity’.

Caroline Lucas is one of the few so-called politicians who consistently explains why it’s necessary to stay in Europe and proposes ‘reforms’ that we can afford, like the Green New Deal.

May I proactively suggest that your readers at least think about some of these points?

Weyland Road