I would like to respond to to Mubarak Ahmed Basra about his letter, Living in peace and harmony (Oxford Mail, December 23). I wish the tolerance he alludes to were shown by the Muslim fanatics.

Can he name another religion that kills indiscriminately in its name?

I don't want an answer about 200-300 years ago - I want an answer about today. Is there one? Huh? No, I thought so.

Any other religion would also condemn terrorists who acted in the name of their religion and even excommunicate them.

Why is this not done? Never mind telling them they will be martyrs and enter their kingdom in heaven with a horde of virgins.

The respect for all religions was also white-washed over - all religions except his religion unreservedly, but he refers to "all religions and all prophets".

For his information, Christians believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and therefore God himself, not a prophet. Can he accept that?

How about freedom of speech? Is that accepted by all?

How come Salman Rushdie has a death threat hanging over him? How do jokes and paintings get world reaction and condemnation from Muslims. Even the Pope is not exempt from the threats.

However, if they do the same, we are supposed to accept it and say "we deserve it".

I, for one, am getting fed up with it. All the talk of tolerance holds no water with me. You lead by example - try doing it.

John Monaghan, Cotman Close, Abingdon