Oxford illustrator Ted Dewan is planning to set fire to Broad Street - in the name of art.

Mr Dewan caused a stir with the Cyclemas Tree in 2004, a tree made entirely of abandoned bikes, which he pulled through the streets before "planting" it in Gloucester Green.

Now the artist is preparing for another stunning public display by joining forces with Oxford Inspires, to host a series of fire installations launching celebrations for Oxford's Millennium next year.

Mr Dewan, who illustrates children's books including the Bing Bunny series, said preparations for Luminox, the opening event for Oxfordshire's Millennium in 2007, were well under way.

On March 15-17, Broad Street will host a large fire installation and a specially-commissioned pendulum sculpture.

Mr Dewan said: "I'm mainly in charge of building my 17m-spire of bamboo that will hold a huge fiery pendulum.

"Each full swing of the pendulum will count off each of the thousand years of Oxfordshire."