Can someone tell me the name of the idiot who came up with the bright idea of charging motorists a possible £1.35 per mile at peak times?

Don't motorists get hammered enough? I am fuming at the way a few 'bobble hats', who profess to being green, think - always penalise the car.

If this surcharge is put in place, I will have to pack up work as I will not be able to afford £100-£150 a day to get to work, then buy petrol on top. This idea has just not been thought through.

Even though we pay more taxes than anyone in Europe, the good old British public will say nothing and cough up!

Let's face it, although they contribute to the greenhouse effect, cars are not the biggest cause of the problem. So why aren't planes taxed heavily? This mode of transport is a luxury which is destroying the environment single-handedly.

I find it ironic that Sir Richard Branson considers that by ploughing some profits back from his companies that cause the problem in the first place, he can then justify their existence.

We all talk the talk, but until we hit the big three, America, China and India, which contribute to the problem far more than this small isle, any gestures we make are really futile. Wake up, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - charging the motorist these ridiculous prices will never work.

We haven't all got expense accounts like MPs.

JOHN MONAGHAN, Cotman Close, Abingdon