A FEW hardy windsurfers enjoyed the blustery conditions at Farmoor reservoir yesterday as winds were building towards a storm expected to hit Oxfordshire today.

The storm, christened St Jude, was predicted to reach the county early this morning with wind speeds of up to 48mph forecast.

The Met Office warned people to prepare for the risk of falling trees, damage to buildings, disruption to power supplies and transport, and possible surface flooding. Spokesman Charlie Powell said there was the potential for some “structural damage”, and Oxfordshire County Council advised to prepare for severe weather.

Rail operator First Great Western warned of potential delays.

Martin Crabtree, from Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, said it was advising motorists to take extra precautions.

And Thames Valley Police urged people to prepare for the strong winds.

The Environment Agency has teams working to minimise river flood risk.

A spokesman said: “We are supporting local authorities who will respond to any reports of surface water flooding.”