Picture 1 The Archdeacon of Oxford, the Ven C Witton-Davies, cut the first sod on the plot for a new rectory in 1966. The Rector, the Rev V T Ducker, lived at Church Hanborough, a mile away, so it was decided to build a new home for him nearer most of his flock

Picture 2 Pupils at the Manor Primary School took part in an ambitious production of Peter Pan in 1992 and among the cast were Owen Bicknell (Peter Pan), Phillippa Howarth (Crocodile) and Ben Symonds (Captain Hook).

Picture 3 The Duchess of Marlborough opened the village infants’ school in 1879 and 100 years later, the latest Duchess visited to celebrate the centenary. Five-year-olds put on a play and concert and staged an exhibition tracing the history of the school. The Duchess, on the right, joined in the singing before the centenary cakes were cut.