Sir - While the confusion over sorting between blue and green boxes remains, and the eyesore and physical obstruction of giant green wheelie bins causes increasing resentment, it now seems the council is trying to defray costs by refusing to collect more than one wheelie bin load of fortnightly rubbish from any household.

My family of five produces considerably more than one wheelie bin load a fortnight. I would like to remind the council that full domestic rubbish collection is the basic right of council taxpayers (along with adequate emergency services and street lighting). I recommend that those of us dissatisfied with the new system should demonstrate their objections by suspending tax payments until the council is prepared to fulfil its basic obligations.

Furthermore, the strange decision to place such a large number of monstrously ugly bins around the city's once-attractive streets, leads me to think that journalists should not just be focusing on residents' complaints, but should also be finding out who the grateful supplier is.

Adam Harris, Oxford