The latest album from Swiss guitarist Nicholas Meier features both Gilad Atzmon and Dave O'Higgins on saxes, but on alternate tracks. Thus, with only Gilad with him at the Spin on Thursday, the Israeli needed to take on both roles as far as he was able. Not that Atzmon lacks ability, but he is a forceful player with his own approach to any melody he plays. Nicholas Meier, on the other hand, has the technique and flexibility to keep up with anything the Israeli decides to do.

The evening was devoted to tracks from Meier's album Orient, which has a fascinating mix of eastern- and flamenco-influenced jazz, where Atzmon excels with his highly charged wailing soprano, and more straight ahead tunes.

Meier's playing was, from the first, an object lesson in control, dynamics and vocalisation. Using only acoustic guitars, but putting them through an effects box, to alter the sound from a clean note to something close to a buzzing oud, he took us on a journey through his music in which he showed not only an unusual breadth of expression but a virtuosity that, like that of Atzmon on sax, can double or triple the time without losing the form.

Nevertheless, when the music demanded, he was content to draw back and use the dynamic expression of the acoustic guitar to carry the music. It was in this area that Atzmon's irrepressible approach became almost too much at times. In Trust, which has a beautiful melody, Atzmon started out with a wonderful full sound reminiscent of Coleman Hawkins but before long had launched into his characteristic fierce explosions which were somewhat less appropriate. He is an overpowering figure not just musically but also physically, and although he played throughout the evening with his usual fire and intensity I did wish to hear more from Nicholas Meier, magnificently backed by Tom Mason on bass and a substitute drummer, Lawrence Love. When Gilad wandered off stage at the beginning of the encore we had a chance to hear just how fine and expressive a guitarist he is. Long may he prosper in the British jazz scene.