Ten people in the county will have to take up sporting activity every day until 2012 if Oxfordshire is to meet an ambitious Olympic target.

A campaign launched by the Oxfordshire Sports Partnership aims to increase the number of people taking part in sport by one per cent each year until 2012.

This means that if the agency, funded by Sport England, is to achieve its target 10 people each day across the county must take up some form of sporting activity three times a week for 30 minutes each time.

The campaign, Our Sporting Fut- ure, was launched as figures released by Sport England showed that only one in four people in the county take some form of regular physical exercise.

Roger Cowdrey, chairman of the Oxfordshire Sports Partnership, said the targets were tough but achievable if governing bodies, councils, clubs and schools worked together.

He said: "The only way we will do this is if we work together. Everyone is committed to it and I'm confident it is achievable.

"At the moment, three out of four people in the county are not doing any form of sport. Our job is to target these people and get them active.

"Whether this is supporting a future Olympic champion or enabling someone to achieve 30 minutes of walking three times a week, both are successes.

"We have already made progress with events like the Oxfordshire Youth Games and have five community sports networks in place."

The Oxfordshire Sports Partnership has £1.5m in funding from Sport England to help it achieve its targets.

Coaches, players, administrators and development officers from a variety of sports, ranging from rugby to swimming, met at the launch of the campaign on Monday at Unipart's headquarters in Cowley.

Mr Cowdrey added: "Achieving the Olympics for London provided the single biggest opportunity in our lifetime to transform sport within Oxfordshire.

"The partnership has been set up to provide a real participation legacy in time for the 2012 Games."