As the festive season is upon us, we have been inundated with advice from police telling us that thieves are about and will take any opportunity to break in and steal Christmas presents.

The advice ranges from "don't leave presents in your car", "don't leave presents in full view in your home" and, of course, "never let burglars know that you are not at home".

Apparently, this advice does not apply to our local Labour Party who have been leaflet dropping their Christmas message in Greater Leys and Blackbird Leys.

For some reason, they are leaving the leaflets poking out of the letterboxes.

It is a glorious sight that would fill the hearts of any would-be burglar with glee - all those pretty leaflets wafting on the winter breeze, gaily announcing which houses would be ripe for the picking.

After we returned from a shopping trip, my husband rang councillor Barbara Gatehouse to inquire why these leaflets were not pushed through the letterbox and reminding her about the advice given by police.

I know this was a Sunday, and I accept that Mrs Gatehouse was at home (her telephone number appears on the leaflet and it states: "Your local Labour Team: here to help"), but after failing to get through to Andrew or Val Smith, she seemed the best bet.

Her first answer was that she didn't actually deliver the offending leaflets.

She then said that there had been some concern that dogs might be on the other side of the letterboxes, so the leaflet might not have been pushed through for the safety of the delivery agent.

I didn't ask for a Christmas message from Labour, nor did I want one, and I certainly wouldn't vote for a party that is so obviously dense that it didn't even think about the repercussions of its stupidity.

Apparently Mrs Gatehouse is going to look into it for us, but seeing as she didn't ask for my husband's name, address or telephone number, I doubt this will happen.

I hope that if anyone is burgled as a result of these leaflets, they take a stand and sue the local Labour party whose new slogan should be "Labour and Criminals working hand in hand to ensure a miserable Christmas for some".

SHELLY JAMES Columbine Gardens Greater Leys Oxford