WE seem to hear remarkably little about the type of regime the West appears to favour in place of Assad. Will it be any better?

At the outset we were told that a number of factions were involved possibly including al-Qaeda.

Will there be a re-run of Iraq which is in a worse state than Saddam Hussein’s rule – certainly loss of life is significantly worse.

Bear in mind the terrible state of Libya and Egypt where democracy is an illusion also.

It seems clear that Arab states can only be ruled satisfactorily by oppression and wild ideas of democracy are inappropriate. Having upset the hive of Saddam Hussein we can only watch and avoid being stung. Again.

I forebear a mention of Afghanistan and the Taliban.

On a light note. It is amusing to watch the antics of France in supporting the United States and trying to live down the latter’s description of them as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” in a recent fracas.



Avenue Kidlington