Sir – The presumption in favour of ‘sustainable development’ — yes, those weasel words again — was the basis of the successful appeal against refusal of planning permission for 160 homes off Drayton Road in South Abingdon.

Yet the term, first given currency by a United Nations Commission in the 1990s, was meant to exclude any development which compromised the quality of the environment.

As I pointed out in an email to the Planning Inspectorate before the public inquiry, Abingdon has for many years lacked any capacity for sustainable development.

The town is just too large, over twice the size that can be supported by a compact and historic town centre with narrow streets and a single Thames crossing point.

Out of this arise most of the infrastructure problems faced by the town. It is a sad fact that the environmental quality of life in so many of the country’s small towns has been destroyed over the years by so-called sustainable development.

Roger Bush, Abingdon