A BLOCK of public toilets in North Oxford used by drug dealers and people meeting for sex is being closed down over winter.

Residents have made repeated complaints to the police about the misuse of the toilets in St Bernard's Road, which links Woodstock Road and Walton Street.

In a report to the city council's north area committee, compiled by the North Oxford police community beat team, councillors were told: "Local residents have been reporting antisocial behaviour (drug-taking and dealing, noise and sexual activity) on a regular basis.

"Not only do the noise levels disturb them in their homes, but they also believe that the drug use and other antisocial activities linked to the toilets caused a general sense of insecurity for local residents.

"As they believe that there is very little legitimate use of the toilets, they have requested that the toilet either be closed or some other action taken to address the problems caused for them."

The report added there was a longstanding problem with drug use in the toilets, including two overdoses in the past two years.

It said: "While actual needle finds are low compared to many other public toilets - nine over three years - City Works are clearing, sometimes daily, drug-related paraphernalia which suggests that drug use is taking place.

"The council officer who maintains the toilet also observes other antisocial behaviour, including sexual activity, taking place.

"Recent visible policing in the vicinity of the toilets in response to residents' concerns will have temporarily dispersed any activity, but the police experience is that it will return."

The report showed drug-related litter including needle covers and silver foil was found on 26 out of 33 days that the site was monitored between October 26 and November 27. The council tried to monitor the number of people using the toilets but the electronic counter was vandalised.

At the area committee on Thursday, councillors agreed that the toilets should remain closed until the end of March, when their future will be reviewed.

North ward councillor Alan Armitage said: "As the council's portfolio holder for tourism, I'm against closing public toilets in principle, but I think this is a special case.

"The undesirable activities taking place are causing great concern for the residents. They find it worrying and I can understand their point of view."

Earlier this year, the city council investigated the possibility of using men-only mobile urinals in the city centre.

Facilities in Market Street, the Westgate shopping centre car park and Gloucester Green bus station are open 24 hours a day.

But the Castle Street, St Giles and Magdalen Street toilets close at 5pm, while facilities in Speedwell Street and Oxpens Road operate seasonal opening hours.