GCSE results at a failing school in Bicester have dipped despite efforts to get it out of special measures.

Bicester Community College was put into special measures in February after all aspects of the school were rated inadequate by Ofsted.

With the help of an interim executive board (IEB) and Cooper School headteacher Ben Baxter as executive headteacher, the college has been trying to improve.

But yesterday it posted exam results down on last year, with 46 per cent of 173 entrants achieving five A* to C grades including English and maths, compared with 48 per cent in 2012.

Neither the school’s new associate headteacher Tony Rushworth nor Mr Baxter would comment on the results, and the IEB had not released a statement when the Oxford Mail went to print.

Some of the school’s top pupils had good results.

Dhaval Desai and Chris Parfitt, both 16 and from Bicester, hope to study maths, further maths, physics and economics at the Royal Latin School in Buckinghamshire.

Dhaval, who got six A*s and five As, said: “I was relieved that I didn’t get any bad grades.”

Chris got three A*s, six As and one B. He said: “It’s enough to make me feel my dedication has paid off so I’m really pleased.”