A CHILDREN’S playground that has had a £130,000 revamp has been targeted by arsonits.

Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue confirmed yesterday the blaze in Blackbird Leys Park in Pegasus Road on Wednesday was suspected arson.

Firefighters from The Slade were called to the children’s play area opposite Pegasus Primary School at about 6pm.

The fire damaged rubber matting and a slide.

The playground only reopened in June following a revamp by Oxford City Council that saw the addition of a zip wire, jungle swing, new paths and fencing.

Mum-of-one Elisha Smith, from Blackbird Leys, said she saw a group of about six teenage boys starting the fire on Wednesday.

The 16-year-old said: “It is just childish.

“This is for little kids to play and there are boys just making fires.

“They are just ruining it.”

Littlemore mum-of-two Lisa Hamp, 35, said: “It is a shame because they have just done it up.

“This is the nicest place between Blackbird Leys and Greater Leys.”

City council spokesman Eva Oliver said: “We estimate the repairs will cost approximately £120. No other equipment was damaged in the fire, and it wasn’t necessary to close the play area.”

Thames Valley Police did not yet have a record of the fire yesterday but expected to be contacted by the fire service.