FOR most people, sitting their exams is hard enough without having to concentrate on anything else.

But Beth Bowler, 16, from Cowley and a pupil at Oxford Spires Academy, had to sit her GCSEs while trying to overcome a tic disorder. Yesterday she found out that she had achieved three A*s, five As, two Bs and a C in her GCSEs. She developed the disorder in September and was having doctors’ appointments until she finally learnt to control it.

She said: “I have no idea what caused it. No one knows. They thought it might be stress but they weren’t sure.

“I had motor and verbal tics. Sometimes I would hit myself or the wall and some were sounds. The weirdest one was ‘banana fish’.

“My friends did make the occasional joke but they were very supportive.”

Eventually Beth learnt to overcome the disorder by techniques such as clicking her fingers to focus her attention elsewhere.

She will be staying at Oxford Spires to study for A-Levels in maths, chemistry, physics and biology.

Sue Croft, headteacher of Oxford Spires, said: “Beth is amazing. The rest of the school just ignored the bizarre words she was coming out with. She did really well and I am really proud of her. That’s determination for you.”