WITH Olympic cyclists having increased people’s desire to be active and healthy, there is a wonderful opportunity for Oxford to lead the country promoting safety with the popular revival using bicycles as a cheap, convenient form of transport.

However, money earmarked for ‘Dutch-style’ cycling roadways should be stopped since narrowing highways wastes money creating chaos and hold-ups for all roadusers.

Instead, invest in raising standards of care for cyclists, providing them with skills to manoeuvre correctly and stay alert for safe journeys. Cyclists are likely to come off worst in accidents. Everyone needs to understand the techniques and basic road sense to move confidently with the flow of traffic.

The main gripes concerning selfish, or unskilled, cyclists are ignoring traffic lights and junctions, weaving in and out of traffic, going on the inside of vehicles, pulling out without looking, not indicating, no lights displayed in darkness or poor weather conditions, not wearing a cycle helmet (I am guilty of this. Although I understand a neurosurgeon’s comment – you wouldn’t dream of walking around without your laptop without it being in a case: the brain is an advanced computer).

This situation would improve with widespread compulsory practical training, investing money to provide cycling proficiency instructors, to bring an improvement in balance, control, looking over your right shoulder, appreciating common sense, patience and tolerance. This should be implemented through all areas of Oxford, schools, all community groups and ages, businesses and colleges students, pubs, clubs and cycling enthusiasts, working with the police.

ELAINE BENNETT, Marston Road, Oxford