Can anyone help me? Does this county still have bye-laws? I ask as I am totally fed up with people lighting bonfires during the day.

I live in a relatively ‘nice’ area but am constantly surprised and angered by the number of people who think it is acceptable to burn their rubbish during daylight hours.

Even on the very hot days we’ve had recently when we’ve all had as many windows open as possible and sought some respite in the garden, selfish people have still had bonfires.

Surely I can’t be the only person incensed by this? When I was a child, no one would light a bonfire until dusk when everyone had got their washing in, children would have stopped playing in the garden and most of the windows would be shut. Now, people don’t seem to care about others, they only think about their own needs.

I think that bonfires should be banned within the ring road, with the possible exception of allotments where evening provision could be made. Oxford’s air quality is notorious and bonfires only make it worse.

I have worked in a city school where, one lunchtime, the playground had to be cleared as a bonfire caused thick smoke to hang low over the playground. So many city children now suffer from asthma due to the poor air quality, that to prevent a mass dash for inhalers, staff brought all the children indoors.

What’s going to happen when we all get charged extra for our refuse collection, perhaps based on weight as has been previously suggested? I can see people resorting to burning rubbish rather than paying to have it removed.

As part of Oxford Council’s Air Quality Action Plan the problem of bonfires needs to be addressed and definitive rules constructed and applied. That truly would be a breath of fresh air.

Maggie Couling, Iffley Turn,  Oxford