The Young Business Person of the Year, Simon Phillips, said the win had helped his computer games company to tap into local talent, as well as boosting his firm's standing in the industry.

One of the first to congratulate Gusto Games, of Bloxham Mill, which was also named Creative Company of the Year, was a visitor from Cherwell District Council.

Mr Phillips, 26, said: "They introduced us to something called the Animation Station, which runs workshops for under 18s. We have done a few workshops and created a lot of enthusiasm, with a stream of people coming to us for work experience.

"It has solved a huge problem for us in terms of attracting creative talent from the area."

He feels the award was highly regarded in the video games industry. "It's something new to tell people, rather than announcing a publishing deal or a new product.

"It has had a massive effect on us, both outside the industry and inside."

Founded in September, 2003, and now employing 35 staff, Gusto develops computer games for many of the world's leading computer game consoles including PSP, PS2, Xbox360, and PS3.

The most popular game launched by the company is Championship Manage - and this summer it released Pro Stroke Golf: World Tour 2007 which has received enthusiastic reviews.

The judges of the 'creative category were looking for innovative projects that provided commercial and other benefits for clients.

Mr Phillips said: "It s a great boost for staff morale to know we are performing well among some of the largest businesses in the region.

"The video games industry is still fairly young so picking up a non-industry specific award is a real achievement."