I WAS astonished to read Jeremy Smith’s criticism of transport between Oxford and Bicester, where he makes no mention of the excellent rail service. This is considerably faster and more comfortable than any bus.

While there may be only 11 trains per weekday (12 on Friday), a little planning in advance allows shopping and leisure free from expense and frustration over parking.

For an evening out in Bicester, there is a 9.30pm return train every weekday plus Saturday, and a late one on Fridays and Saturdays (11.42 and 10.55 respectively).

Two generations grew up with the sense that rail is just a thing of the past, but now it’s the way of the future. It is the only way to avoid jams and parking problems. The Oxford-Bicester line will soon be upgraded, cutting journey times in half and adding new destinations, like High Wycombe, via clean electrified 100mph trains.

IAN EAST, chairman, Oxf-Bic Rail Action Group, Kidlington Road, Islip