VOLUNTEERS are needed to help a sailing association provide instruction to thousands of youngsters.

The Oxford and District School Sailing Association (ODSSA) is appealing for volunteers to help it provide sailing sessions for school and youth groups at Farmoor Reservoir.

ODSSA has provided affordable sailing for youngsters for more than 40 years but says with teachers now worried about providing adequate levels of supervision and quality of instruction, it is seeking to involve helpers from the general public.

Volunteers will be trained to help young people to get their boats ready safely, explain basic techniques and operate safety craft.

Warden Nigel Vick said: "This is a great opportunity to get out in the fresh air and work with youngsters. As well as acquiring the obvious sailing skills, they will learn to communicate and work as a group. We hope that some of the large companies in Oxford will get involved by releasing some workers for a half-day a week during term time.

"Last year, more than 10,000 young people visited the centre to go sailing and we have plenty of young volunteers who are training as instructors, but during term time they are busy at school or at university. If we are to deliver a full programme we need to find people who are available during the week."

There will be a full programme of training starting in January before school sailing begins after Easter.

For more information on volunteering, call warden Mr Vick at the school on 01865 865551 or 01865 437385.