A WOMAN from Wantage has urged Oxfordshire County Council to act now to prevent future highways problems in her area.

Julie Mabberley from Charlton, Wantage, visited the county council in person yesterday to deliver a three-minute speech to councillors at a full council meeting.

She spoke about the increased burden that 5,500 new homes planned for Wantage and Grove will put on the highways network.

Ms Mabberley, who leads the Wantage and Grove Campaign Group for sustainable development, said: “The additional homes proposed by the Vale of the White Horse in the draft Local Plan will mean a 72 per cent increase in the size of the area. This will add roughly 12,000 people and 8,500 cars to the town.

“The roads around Wantage and Grove are A roads where it is impossible to overtake a cyclist if there is traffic in both directions.

“When a bus stops to pick up passengers the traffic builds up behind the bus because it can’t get past, and any blockages on the A34 or problems with flooding have a very significant impact on the volume of traffic.

“But no objections have been raised to any plans by county council highways officers.”