THE number of visitors to council-owned leis-ure facilities in Oxford has increased by almost 50 percent in the last five years.

There were 1,292,965 visitors to the seven pools and leisure centres in 2012/13, compared to 868,712 in 2008/09.

Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre has seen the highest increase – going from 72,735 in 2008/09 to 204,821 last year.

The number of residents going to the Barton and Ferry Leisure Centres has also risen sharply.

Councillors have put the boost down to a number of factors including a better range of activities on offer, improvements made to the centres, including a new gym at Barton, and last year’s Olympics. Ferry Leisure Centre has seen an increase of 274,749, to more than half a million visits, Hinksey Outdoor Pool has increased by 13,576 visits to 47,238, Temple Cowley Pool has increased by 19,099 to 183,807 and Oxford Ice Rink 3,492 to 209,860.

The increase has happened since the city council transferred the management of its leisure facilities to Fusion Lifestyle in March 2009.

Councillors weclomed the rise at a meeting of Oxford City Council’s scrutiny committee on Tuesday of last week .

Councillor Mike Rowley, board member for leisure services, said: “There have been improvements in the leisure centres, good improvements, and the variety of courses and activities on offer. “The Olympics may well have had an impact, though only for the last year or so.” He said the council has tried to keep price rises as low as possible.

He said: “We charge near to market rate for people who can afford it, but anybody claiming benefit, tax credit or in full-time education or pensioners are entitled to a significantly reduced rate.”

The only drop in the number of visitors was seen at Blackbird Leys Pool, which dropped 11,508 in the last five years to 33,182 visits.

Mr Rowley said: “There is a very small pool and it has a limited capacity. There has been a decline in the facility as it is one of our oldest. “People who did use the pool are going elsewhere, which is one of the reasons why we are having a competition swimming pool there.” Work to build the new £7.2m pool complex in Blackbird Leys is due to start this month. It should open in September 2014. The new complex will have three pools, including a 25m competition pool with a moveable floor.

Mr Rowley added: “There is more to be done. The take up of leisure services from deprived areas is still less than from other areas that don’t suffer from deprivation.”

Ellie Hathaway, member of Oxford Roller Derby, based at Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre, said: “The centres offer good facilities. We have found the Blackbird Leys centre to be really supportive and we have a really good relationship with the staff there.”


  • Barton Leisure Centre

2008/09 - 52,701
2009/10 - 57,496
2010/11 - 71,212
2011/12 - 94,952
2012/13 - 113,002

  • Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre

2008/09 - 72,735
2009/10 - 117,296
2010/11 - 167,655
2011/12 - 167,220
2012/13 - 204,821
Blackbird Leys Pool
2008/09 - 44,690
2009/10 - 38,684
2010/11 - 28,326
2011/12 - 33,809
2012/13 - 33,182

  • Ferry Leisure Centre

2008/09 - 274,749
2009/10 - 265,222
2010/11 - 297,437
2011/12 - 452,943
2012/13 - 501,055

  • Hinksey Outdoor Pool

2008/09 -33,662
2009/10 - 33,583
2010/11 - 41,163
2011/12 - 40,927
2012/13 - 47,238

  • Oxford Ice Rink

2008/09 -206,368
2009/10 - 178,285
2010/11 - 157,610
2011/12 - 169,260
2012/13 - 209,860

  • Temple Cowley Pool

2008/09 - 164,708
2009/10 - 197,812
2010/11 - 227,809
2011/12 - 194,163
2012/13 - 183,807