PHOTOGRAPHERS from the county are displaying their work in a special exhibition to mark 50 years of Harcourt Arboretum.

The pictures of flowers, plants and landscapes, largely snapped at the arboretum in Nuneham Courtney, were taken by The Oxford Flickr Group.

It has been 50 years since the arboretum became part of the botanic garden department at Oxford University.

Katherine Lightner has two photographs in the show at the arboretum. The Cumnor Hill 44-year-old said: “It is nice to have an outdoor space like the arboretum, particularly in spring and autumn when everything is in bloom.”

She added: “The exhibition is a good way to see how different photographers have interpreted the world around them.”

Planting at the arboretum began in 1835 and the Harcourt family later sold the estate to the university. The exhibition is open daily from 10am-4pm until Sunday, July 28.