WHEN Bovril the cat was stuck in a storage unit for nine days, he must have seen his nine lives flash before his eyes.

But the one-year-old hadn't counted on the friendship of another cat Harry, who alerted a human rescuer.

Bovril had disappeared from his home, the House of Windsor pub in West End, Witney.

His owners Prue and David Thomas, who run the pub, had no idea he had become locked in a storage room in BHK Rentals, at the West End industrial estate.

Luckily, the alarm was raised by Harry, a feline friend of Bovril. He is now recovering with his brother Marmite.

Mrs Thomas said: "Bovril is friends with another cat Harry, he is like his shadow, they go around together everywhere. Harry heard Bovril crying and mewing and he went up to Henry Strutt, who owns BHK Rentals.

"He kept going up to him, patting him and then going to the door where Bovril was locked in. Henry heard and called us. As soon as Bovril heard my voice and me calling his name he went mad crying.

"We opened the door and brought tuna and water, and coaxed him out.

"It's amazing he survived. Another day or two and he would have died. It's amazing that Harry found him and managed to communicate."