SO poor Jason Roberts, of Robinson Road, Wootton, near Abingdon, was “extremely distressed by what has happened” (Oxford Mail, June 12).

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this pervert?

This man sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl and shows remorse after being caught. Big deal.

He should not be allowed near another child in his life.

Ten years on the sex offenders’ register for this crime is not long enough: it should be life.

The sentence of 20 months in jail, which will mean he will be out in 10, is a joke.

I don’t know if this man served any time on remand, but he could be out very soon.

I am glad “The impact on his life has been immense,” as it should be.

As an adult he is supposed to be responsible and protect the vunerable.

To breach this trust is totally unacceptable and I hope it follows him for life.

For any do-gooders out there, who are thinking of replying or making excuses for him, don’t bother. There are no excuses for child abuse.

JOHN MONAGHAN, Cotman Close, Abingdon