PARENTS, families and volunteers organised a summer fete that raised more than £2,000 for a special school.

The Parents, Families and School Association (PFSA) from Abingdon’s Kingfisher School in Radley Road spent months organising the fete, which took place on Saturday afternoon.

More than 100 people, including Abingdon MP Nicola Blackwood, turned up in the sunshine to join in a treasure hunt, tug of war and smash a plate.

Headteacher Adrienne Martiniswas one of those there with welly boot flower pots made by pupils Rebekah Smith, 16, from Didcot and Matthew Bainbridge, 12, from Abingdon.

Matthew’s mum Julia, 43, said: “Everybody had a great time – I think the highlight for Matthew was the cake stall.”

Another one of the parents lending a hand was Elizabeth Smith, 26, from Sutton Courtenay, whose daughter Alice Jessett, seven, has a unique chromosome abnormality.

She said: “It went really well, the weather was great, the turnout was good and we raised more than £2,000. The cake stall was overflowing with donations made by parents and volunteers.”