GRANTS totalling more than £15,000 could be handed out to community groups this week.

Oxfordshire County Council has had six applications to its “chill-out fund” which supports projects for young people.

Officers who administer the £15,178 fund have recommended that all six applicants get what they asked for.

Next week, newly-appointed cabinet member for the voluntary sector Hilary Biles will choose whether or not to follow recommendations.

Oxfordshire Play Association has asked for £4,828 to spend on “play days” across the county this summer.

Last weekend children in Abingdon, including Joshua King, enjoyed free rides on go-karts provided by the association.

Spokesman Martin Gillett said: “We want them to fund some drumming workshops, the ‘Bureau of Silly Sports’ with Under Construction Theatre, tricky trial biking, a sensory bus and a youth bus for older children.

“We want to make the days accessible to everyone from four to 19 years old.”

Council officer Ruth Ashwell said in a report to Mrs Biles: “This is a good bid with a sound track record of success and excellent matched funding in place.”

Officers have also backed a bid from the South and Vale Carers Centre in Didcot for £5,000. Manager John Tabor said the grant money would be used to send young carers on day trips.

He said: “This is for young people who either care for disabled brothers and sisters or parents.

“It’s not respite, but it will be spent on day trips to various places. A group of young carers came in and told us what to write, so this is more their application than ours.”

He said the youngsters in question had been asked for their suggestions of places to go, and theme parks and wildlife parks came top.

He added: “It’s really life-changing stuff. We have had quotes from them like ‘it’s given me a chance to play’. It’s really good for them.”

Council officer Susan Blake said: “I completely agree with funding for this project. Young carers need as much support as possible.”

Other bidders include the Faringdon Twinning Association, which wants £500 to send young people to various parts of the country, and the First Goring Heath Scout and Guide Group, which has asked for £2,500 to repair its scout hut roof.

Bodicote and Banbury Judo Club wants £1,250 to teach the sport to disadvantaged young people, and Croxford Gardens Residential Association has asked for £1,100 to run an open day to get young people talking to their neighbours.