GRANDMOTHER Connie Birch was the most enthusiastic member of Banbury Ladies’ Recreation Group, taking part in badminton, netball, volleyball, tennis, rounders, squash and keep fit at Spiceball Park sports centre in 1978. What’s more, Mrs Birch, of Sibford Ferris, took many members of her family along – she is seen in the picture immediately below coaching her grandson, Phillip Taylor, aged three.

The three men in the middle picture were named the top forklift truck drivers in a competition at General Foods in 1968 – left to right, John Hellyer (second), Norman Whitman (winner), and John Vale (third).

Families, including parents, were invited to Banbury Upper School in 1973 to learn new skills such as building a canoe, car maintenance, wine making, golf and photography. In the bottom picture, Steve Pawley instructs Eddie Tait on how to fit a canoe seat.