I AM tired of hearing constant criticism of the NHS staff.

Over the last few weeks, due to an accident to my wife, I have spent a great deal of time in A&E departments, and I must say the care and attention she received was first-class even, if the waiting times were often quite long.

But sitting back and watching, it is obvious that the problems are lack of medical staff (the people on duty are run off their feet) and a badly-managed system that is inefficient because it is run by grey suits who have no idea.

We witnessed nurses constantly getting stressed trying to collate between departments.

We recently had to wait four hours for an overworked registrar to discharge my wife and then a further four hours for drugs to be dispensed from the over-stretched pharmacy.

So, in all eight hours, a bed was being taken up that could have been used by another patient waiting in the never-ending queue.

It’s obvious that it is not that the staff are failing, but the overpaid, faceless clowns running the system.

We all know the reason behind what is going on: Cameron, Osborne and the hatchet brigade, looking for excuses to do away with the NHS.


Duncan Close
