THE fur metaphorically flew as competitive owners from across the globe came to Oxford for the city’s first international cat contest.

Pampered pets from France, Belgium, Italy and even Russia took part in the International Cat Association-affiliated event on Saturday.

More than 200 whiskered wonders went on show at Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre for judge-led contests of each breed.

Two entrants – a moggie called Bagpuss and a Singapura named Goldlay Second Time Round – gained enough points to become a Supreme Grand Champion, the highest possible accolade.

Organiser Jeannine Parfitt, of Headington, said: “It is something I have been interested in for a few years and as time went on I thought it would be great to put on a cat show in Oxford.

“It is quite a competitive hobby. People come from all around the world to compete their cats against each other.”

The owner of four cats herself, she hoped the event would become an annual feature.

Jane Allen, one of the six judges, said: These events are about coming here to celebrate the cats in a friendly and supportive environment but it is very competitive.”

Adding she had seen some “really good” breeds, she said: “What makes a good cat is a huge combination of things. Each has a breed standard and it would have to be a cat which almost perfectly fits that standard.

“But it also has to cope with being handled by lots of people.”

Maria Bunina, from Rotherfield Peppard, near Henley, brought along her Siberian cat Admiral.

She said: “I have been showing for a few years. It is nice to get together with other breeders. There is a bit of catching up and a bit of gossip.

“Admiral was imported from Russia in January. I am Russian myself and cats from there are more traditional to what I am used to.”

Andy Jordan-Lombard came from Milton Keynes with one of his 18 cats, a Turkish Van called Charlie.

He said: “It started off as a small hobby but it has grown a lot.

“Cats are easy to keep.

“They can be divas but we give them copious amounts of love.”

Among the many exotic breeds taking part were a Kurilian Bobtail, Ragdoll, Toyger, Cymric, Nebalung, Norwegian Forest and Korat.