I AM delighted that the seven men from Oxford were found guilty in the Bullfinch underage sex trafficking case.

What has concerned me is the lack responsibility taken by the senior officers in the county council, social services and the police.

As a semi-retired teacher, and as one of those who have an interest in the problems of children in the care system (now and the past) who have been the focus of unwarranted attention of people like those recently convicted and for exactly the same reasons as these people had, I know there is, unfortunately, nothing new in these incidents.

I am sure that those who are responsible for the care of these children were fully aware of the risks that these children came under and about those who may have an unhealthy interest in them.

I am sure that in the training of these people they were made fully aware of the risks that these children faced.

JIM YOUNG, Blythe Place, Bicester