A GOVERNMENT grant of £5m has been awarded to unblock an infamous pinch point on the A34.

The Department for Transport has put forward £5m of the £9.2m the Local Enterprise Partnership needs for a “hamburger roundabout” at the Milton Interchange near Didcot.

County Council leader Ian Hudspeth welcomed the announcement and said: "I am absolutely delighted."

Hamburger roundabouts improve traffic flow by allowing traffic to go through the middle of them.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, said: “This government is taking action on both jobs and growth.

“The schemes we have announced today are designed to target key bottlenecks around the country, making life easier for the thousands of motorists and businesses who use the local road network every day.

“Investing in these schemes shows that the government is serious about accelerating growth where it is needed most.

“These schemes have the potential to help create more than 100,000 jobs and around 100,000 new homes.

“I look forward to seeing works underway as soon as possible.”