I FIND it reassuring that when I drive around various areas in Oxford that there is definitely ‘one rule’ for homeowners and ‘one rule’ for rental homes.

What I’m implying is that when I put my bins out for collection and retrieve them once emptied, why is it that the council seems oblivious when no one seems to issue fines or comment to these people that they should abide to the rules?

I recently contacted the council’s out-of-hours number to complain about a bin was over flowing in Windmill Road with food all over the path. Not nice for them to clear up.

Guess what? The bins are still on the path, and this is evidence of a large amount of ‘rental’ houses in this road.

Why can’t we look to our council to enforce the rules or, even better, go back to the landlords or rental companies and fine or educate them?

STEVEN SHIELDS Headley Way Headington