“THIS is what muggers did to my face” reads the headline (May 23).

Then we learn that a pitifully low 21 per cent of city robbers last year “received a caution, charge or conviction”.

Rob Jennings qualifies one of his assailants as “of Asian appearance”. So let us hope the police will take the assault as seriously, particularly in the light of recent local atrocities on all sides, as if he were “white”.

One must, however, condemn the policy, if true, of young males “of Asian appearance” being victimised in East Oxford by certain people in the wake of the Bullfinch outrage. Not all individuals “of Asian appearance” are Pakistani “Muslims”, and by no means are the relevant representatives of that specific community paedophiles.

Det Sgt Rhian Evans claims that “such vicious attacks”, returning to the original issue, “are extremely rare”, whereas your OURVIEW column on the same day asserts that “we read and hear about violent street muggings all too frequently”.

Whom are we to believe?

My very best wishes to Rob and my greatest respect for his having the guts to speak out.

I reluctantly agree with John Tanner that there should be no resignations over the sex scandal, though, firstly, because the heads of large organisations can hardly be expected to be aware of the particular shortcomings of every cretinous or odious underling, and, secondly, as the onus should be on them, nonetheless, to sort out the mess and ensure that it does not recur, as opposed to their taking the soft option of retirement in relative luxury.

DAVID DIMENT Riverside Court Oxford