I HAVE to break a promise I made not to reply to the churlish response to Ian Cummings, but I will not be misquoted.

I challenge him to say where I stated Tory councillors were nasty. I referred to Tory ideology not individuals, can’t he see the difference?

He used the same slur regarding all people who vote Tory some time ago, another misquote.

I will question people’s principles, morals and ethics but being misguided isn’t the same as being nasty, though I’m sure there are individuals who qualify.

I wonder why he rarely answers questions I pose, like the hypocritical comments his beloved Tories make regarding Mike Philpott and the poor people who seek suicide as a way out of their enforced poverty.

How about answering the tax cut for the rich we’re all subsidising?

Maybe it’s because it is extremely hard to defend the indefensible.

It’s good to see Ian bandy huge figures that look good regarding Tory government spending, but only his staunch supporters will agree, the average ‘Joe’ will see through it.

Pity he didn’t mention the biggest part of the welfare budget was pensions.

Ask the average pensioner how they’re doing.

I ask Ian not to misquote me and not even to believe my views regarding the NHS and welfare state, but maybe he should listen to the millions of ordinary people who are suffering as a consequence of this nasty Tory ideology.

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham