ON Saturday, May 4, you published full results of the recent Oxfordshire County Council elections.

I have used my pocket calculator and found some interesting figures.

In West Oxfordshire, the Tories got just 43 per cent of the votes cast but 90 per cent of the seats.

In Cherwell with the 42 per cent of the votes they got 66 per cent of the seats.

In Vale of White Horse, the Lib-Dems with just 31.5 per cent of votes got seven seats but the Tories with 35 per cent got only five seats.

In the City, Labour got some 46 per cent of votes and 64 per cent of seats.

The Lib-Dems got fewer votes than the Greens but one more seat than them. Tory voters as usual got no seats at all. How utterly unfair.

No wonder about 68 per cent of voters didn’t vote at all. Why bother when you know your candidate has no hope of a seat?

The stupid, unjust system of first-past-the-post should be abolished so that everyone’s vote can contribute to the composition of the new council.

I shall be dead before that happens in England I fear. I’m now nearly 85.

Headley Way