Sir – I would like to thank your correspondent Mr Beckingham (Letters, April 18) for allowing me the opportunity to clarify my views on the Carterton East development.

I fully understand that the residents of Brize Norton are strongly against this proposal and I agree there are many serious issues around this development.

In answer to his specific questions, I do not know if I would choose to live on this new development, that would depend on many factors not just the issue he raises.

And, yes, I would financially support a son or daughter if they chose to live there.

However, as I pointed out, there are, in my opinion, even more serious objections to the alternative proposals, especially the Carteron West proposal that many Brize Norton residents seem to favour.

Unfortunately, using unhelpful terms like Nimby to describe those who hold an alternative opinion doesn't really take us anywhere.

Let’s hope WODC listens carefully to all of our concerns and then whatever the final outcome we work together to make the new development the best it can be for our local area.

Paul Hughes, Carterton