Sir – For my citizenship project, I had to choose a charity and create a campaign and raise awareness.

Because I wanted to try and make a difference closer to home, I chose a local charity called The Oxford Food Bank.

The Oxford Food Bank is a small but growing charity which collects fresh, unwanted food from supermarkets and suppliers in Oxfordshire. It then donates this food free to about 20 different charities in Oxfordshire. These charities range from homeless shelters, children’s homes and charities that help people living in food poverty.

The work the Oxford Food Bank does is amazing and such a simple idea, yet helping so many citizens in Oxford.

The food it collects provides about 5,000 meals per week, however, like all charities it needs money to keep going, but you don’t need to donate much to know you are making a difference. For every £1 in donations, it can deliver fresh food worth £25. So, if you are interested in donating, all you need to do is visit to donate food or money and find out more about what it does.

Alice Prince, Marston