OOHs and aahs filled the air as classic planes swooped through the sunny skies over Abingdon yesterday.

Thousands basked in glorious weather as Dalton Barracks hosted the annual Abingdon Air and Country Show.

Many had turned out specially to see a flypast by Britain’s last flying Avro Lancaster bomber, part of the RAF’s Battle of Britain Memorial flight of historic aircraft.

Former RAF navigator Jim Hitchcock was among those entranced by the Second World War icon, the workhorse of Bomber Command.

The Abingdon resident said: “I retired from the forces 45 years ago but never get sick of the sight of the planes going past.

“I come here every year just to sit and watch them go over.”

His delight was matched by that of Carswell Primary School pupil Jude Smith, who was making his first visit to the event.

The nine-year-old from Abingdon said: “I liked the Mustang but the big bomber plane is the best.”

Of the many happily snapping away was eight-year-old Adam Newton, also from Abingdon, who said: “I really enjoyed watching the Gnat go over and the planes that loop the loop. I’d like to be a pilot when I grow up.”

His father John added: “We come here every year and he absolutely loves it.

“It’s a great day, I don’t have a particular favourite myself, it’s just great to watch them.”

Didcot six-year-old Samuel Swift, with dad Pete, said: “It’s my first time at an air show and the planes are amazing, we got to see gliders.”

Among the other aerial displays were daring wingwalkers, the RV8tors display team, who made a heart-shaped smoke trail, an Army Air Corps Lynx helicopter and another Second World War veteran, a Hawker Hurricane Mk1 fighter.

Down on the ground there was the chance to ride on a self-propelled gun on a rough terrain course and sit in the cockpit of a Second World War Supermarine Spitfire fighter.

Show spokesman Colin Smith said: “We’ve had a fantastic day, it’s a great way to start the summer and we have been delighted with the turnout.

“For so many people seeing the Lancaster in the air is a thrill and we are happy to have been able to put the show on for them.”