PLANS to redevelop three Oxford community centres by building more than 100 homes on the sites have been supported by council planning officers.

They have recommended Oxford City Council members approve the plans for Cowley and Northway.

Grand Designs television presenter Kevin McCloud is spearheading the £18m redevelopment of the city council-owned sites.

The closed Northway Community Centre and long-demolished Cowley Community Centre would be rebuilt and land given to housing association GreenSquare Group for 40 and 47 homes respectively.

Westlands Drive in Northway – the base of homeless charity Emmaus – would be demolished and rebuilt as 21 flats by GreenSquare.

The projects would be carried out by Hab Oakus, a venture between GreenSquare and Mr McCloud’s Hab development company. Some 77 per cent would be affordable.

A council planning officer said the Westlands Drive plan would “provide good quality housing for Oxford that make a significant contribution towards meeting the city’s affordable housing need”.

The housing association would give £395,000 to improve the city’s infrastructure as part of the deal.

The east area planning committee will be asked to support the plans next Monday at Oxford Town Hall.