EVEN more young people will be able to reap the benefits of a Witney theatre company as it expands to neighbouring areas.

To mark its eighth anniversary, Abdabs Youth Theatre is launching groups in Carterton and potentially Eynsham.

Founder Debbie Tuffs, 50, of Witney, said she set up the group in 2005 because of a lack of opportunity in the town for her daughter.

She said: “My daughter had been to three or four different drama groups, but you would always see one person in the principal parts and she got fed up. She asked if we could start our own one. At that time I had not long lost my mum, so it gave me something else to focus on.”

Initially the group signed up 75 youngsters. It has grown to more than 120 and also runs adult sessions. It currently runs workshops on Saturdays at Langdale Hall in Witney, with members devising pieces and performing well-known shows.

Mrs Tuffs is not paid for her role and works as an office operations manager for a fostering agency three days a week.

The grandmother-of-three said: “I do it for the young people. I am a trained teacher and I have always loved working with people and helping them to develop.

“I want them to have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment and be able to help them grow – not just in performing but in social and emotional skills as well.

“Parents see a compete change in their children, not just with low confidence and self-esteem but in general. They find a lot more of an identity in life.

"These kids are amazing, because they support each other very well. At weekends they're not out with kids from school, they're out with their Abdabs mates.”

The company includes four senior groups (12 years and older), an upper junior group (nine to 16) and a low junior group (five to eight).

Mrs Tuffs now hopes to expand into Carterton – at Carterton Community Centre on Thursdays – and potentially into Eynsham in September.

She said: “I felt there is a need. We have got kids from Carterton who come to us and sometimes it's difficult to get them here on Saturdays.”

The theatre company expanded to include adult performers for the first time about four years ago.

Abdabs’ adults group will put on a two-course dinner and a comedy thriller, based on Agatha Christie’s books, at Langdale Hall on Friday and Saturday from 7.30pm.

For more information about the company, contact 08456 343 192 or email enquiries@abdabs-yt.co.uk