THOSE who lost their lives in the two world wars were honoured at a Turning the Pages ceremony in Oxford.

The names of 20 men from the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars were read out from the Book of Remembrance at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday.

A new altar cloth was also dedicated after a £1,000 donation from the Light Infantry Residual Fund and the Hussars’ Oxfordshire Yeomanry Fund towards the £2,000 cost of the cloth.

The names of fallen Hussars were: 1914-18: Richard Joseph Howkins; Frederick George Hunnisett; Charles Frederick John Hyde; Alfred James Jarman and Hubert Holmes Jennings; 1939-45: James Gee, Victor Lewis Green, Ronald Cecil Brooke Greville, John Hatchett and Kenneth Parker.

From the Light Infantry: 1914-18: Leonard Bartlett; Frederick Dennis; Reginald John Higgs; William Kerry and Thomas John Owen; 1939-45: Leslie Ernest Butler, Terry Deacon; William Charles James; Reginald Phillips and Walter James Walker.

  • Do you recognise any of the names? Call Emma Harrison on 01865 425430.