I’m sorry, but I really must take issue with Frankie George (ViewPoints, May 1).

Where does Frankie live?

First off, road safety has nothing whatsoever to do with footprints, carbon or any other kind.

His comment ‘yes there are a few rogues (cyclists) who jump the lights and ride on pavements’, is absolutely preposterous. A few? Is he blind? He must be if he thinks it’s only a few.

Two years ago, I made a point of photographing at a number of sets of traffic lights in the city and I can tell him that ‘few’ doesn’t even come close.

In the 15 minutes at one (junction of Parks Road and South Parks Road) and 20 minutes at another (opposite the Bodleian), I photographed no fewer than 34 and 27 respectively.

Some of these idiots are published here http://narrowboater.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/what-is-it-about-cyclists.html Watching cyclists nearly getting killed is, I can tell you, a very disturbing thing to see.

I would like to say to Frankie ‘wake up’. Now you are out of the picturehouse, you can take the 3D glasses off. While you may be a safe cyclist, thousands are not.

MAFFI OXFORD, Narrowboat Milly M, Oxford Canal, Thrupp