The passing of Baroness Thatcher has certainly sparked off praise and also invited disparaging comments of her years as head of government.

Councillor David Williams summed up her term as the Prime Minster who started the self-interested society (Big Issue, April 18).

Former Oxfordshire County Council leader Keith Mitchell says that her promotion of ownership of privatised industries would help to bring about “a sense of the public having a stake in the nation’s prosperity”.

How wrong can he be when nearly all the privatised industries – originally owned by the nation – are now in the possession of foreign companies. Some well-known companies have been shown to be able to avoid paying UK tax. They, not the public, are revelling in the nation’s prosperity.

However, I feel she should be honoured, being the first female British Prime Minister.

Strangely, I think that the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square is destined to support an effigy of her. As she was known as the Iron Lady, a title which she relished, it would be fitting if her effigy was cast in iron.

There it can stand for all to see and rust in peace.

VIM RODRIGO, Rivermead Road, Rose Hill, Oxford