AS A dog walker, I am now wondering if it is time to completely stop the production of all glass bottles and jars.

Nine out of 10 of the walks I have done, even those across open fields (obviously sticking to designated footpaths) have been either littered with, or have had three or four large pieces of broken, and in some cases shattered, glass in hedges where dogs love to sniff, around lampposts, signposts and to the detriment of many bike tyres no doubt, along cycle-ways too. Fortunately, so far we have avoided cut paws.

I have even picked up glass from children’s play areas some days, walking on my own.

I remarked on this to a fellow dog-walker who said his dog had on occasions cut himself where glass is not easily visible.

Stepping in dog poo annoys me intensely, and glass everywhere spoils the joy of walks. I thought “eyes down – look in” only applied to bingo – it seems to be the normal on dog walks these days too, looking out for the danger of broken glass.

Wildlife also is in danger of cuts and cats’ paws bleed profusely.

Please think before you discard your unwanted bottle and dispose of it whole in the proper place.

Even if you are not a dog fan, would you want your little feet cut to shreds? I had to carry my dog a good way today.

D HOLLOWAY, Wenrisc Drive, Minster Lovell