The woman who is accused of glassing' alleged murder victim Guy Thomas told police she did not assault him, a jury heard.

Sara Kingston, 33, of Forester's Tower, Wood Farm, Oxford, and Peter Rous, 32, of Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford, have denied murdering Mr Thomas.

Mr Thomas, 41, was found dead at his flat in Pound Way, Cowley, Oxford, on Friday, February 10.

The defendants are alleged to have beaten him during a heavy drinking session the day before.

The court heard Mr Thomas had refused to go to hospital when paramedics visited his flat to treat head wounds.

In a statement, prepared with her solicitor and read out during the police interviews, Kingston said: "After the ambulance staff left Guy Thomas's flat on the evening of Thursday, February 9, neither Peter nor myself moved any objects around or searched the flat.

"If I made any comment about Guy Thomas, it would have been during the conversation with Peter walking away from the flat in Pound Way.

"I may have said to Peter: Oh, my God, should we leave him? He has lost so much blood, he could die'."

Earlier, Samantha Carp said Kingston and Rous had visited her on February 10. Miss Carp told the jury Rous and Kingston told her how Kingston smashed a glass into the face of a man called Guy and Rous punched him.

But Kingston's police statement said: "During the conversation, I mentioned that on the night before, Guy had fallen and hit his head.

"I never assaulted Guy Thomas with a glass or any other object."

The trial continues.