I INVITE the blinkered, opinionated Mr Darke to visit Witney where the planners respect public opinion.

Mr Darke’s response (Viewpoints, February 27) was rude, misleading and didn’t answer important points. He claims transparency with Oxford planning.

This is not true. I stand by my original letter (Viewpoints, February 19). Mr Darke attempts to belittle the questioning public, calling them NIMBYs.

The Planning Department thrives on the public’s apathy, lack of energy and fear of speaking out.

Oxford is successful in showy presentations to sell large developments – but falls short on responding and working with public input.

If original plans are contested, planning is forced through another way. Anything submitted is already agreed – a foregone conclusion. Dictatorship is inevitable due to the power of public money and residents’ misguided trust in the councillors to do the right thing for their ward.

Mr Darke, please provide examples where the planning committee have listened and acted due to public concern.

Also, great news that the Independents got out of the sack to win the city election. The large majority proves Independent is not all bad.

Perhaps Mr Darke as a grandfather of 72, please retire to spend time with your family (Viewpoints, February 23), allow a welcome opportunity for real public involvement in planning policy.

ELAINE BENNETT Marston Road Marston Oxford