Sir – While reading The Oxford Times on Saturday afternoon, it was a coincidence to note Mr Bidwell’s letter (Automated response, February 7) concerning a lack of correspondence from Nicola Blackwood MP. I had just seen her in Waitrose in Abingdon co-ordinating a campaign in support of our troops in Afghanistan, asking shoppers to buy a few extra goodies so she could send packs off to them.

Politicians rarely get positive coverage but it’s great to see a local MP so pro-actively supporting such a worthwhile campaign, while meeting hundreds of their constituents in person. And as your article on page 30 notes: ‘Miss Blackwood sent a letter to constituents this week’ outlining her position on the gay marriage bill. I don’t envy an MP’s position much of the time: it must be practically impossible to meet or respond to every constituent every time. Richard Treffler, Oxford