WELL, the consequences of what Messrs Brown and Miliband did in signing the Lisbon Treaty (Constitution) are beginning to be revealed.

“Just a tidying-up exercise,” Blair told us. My, how they conned us.

As from January 1, 2014, our population could swell by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people from Romania and Bulgaria who are free to come to Britain.

Our Government is powerless to stop them as EU laws forbid it. After being here only three months, they will be entitled to benefits and probably housing, ahead of those who have been waiting years for a council house, because local authorities will be forced to do so because of EU laws.

Then there will be the extreme extra pressure on the NHS and the schools. Never mind, the Government has been planning for this extra cost to the British taxpayer because they are cutting benefits to British people, regardless of whether they are genuine or not, to pay for it.

Plus they need the money for HS2 railway, which they say will create thousands of jobs. This will only be while it is being constructed and will it be jobs for British workers?

How much foreign investment will there be and how much from any profits will the British Treasury benefit?

MICHAEL CLARKE, Lewell Avenue, Old Marston, Oxford